
Mette Borg Dramaturg, director, Mag. Art.
Mette Borg is an educated dramaturg and theater historian. Since this year, she has been a teacher at The National
School of Performing Arts in Copenhagen for 30 years and has inspired and guided some of the country’s greatest actors. She has also been teaching opera history and character analysis at the Opera Academy for many years. Furthermore, she actively works as a director and recently, she had great success with the production of a play about Clara and Robert Schumann, with script written by the Danish composer Karl Aage Rasmussen. When she is not teaching or directing, she works as an advisor for many singers and actors who seek her guidance in understanding a role and the material they are working on. Moreover, she holds lectures and writes articles for theater programs, journals, and books. She has published the book: “Herman Bang – Theatrical view and method”. Ever since the beginning of Nordic Song Festival in 2014, Mette has inspired many, both participants and audience with her enchanting lectures.

Gitta-Maria Sjöberg
singing pedagogue & physical warmup
Gitta-Maria Sjöberg is a Danish/Swedish opera singer performing all over the world, a vocal coach and artistic leader of the Nordic Song Festival.
She was born and raised in Trollhättan and is today based in Helsingör, Denmark after 26 years as an opera soloist at the Royal Theatre in Copenhagen. As a great artist she has been an appreciated guest soloist all over the world, both in opera and concert houses. She is in great demand as a vocal coach at festivals, music schools and conservatories.

Matti Hirvonen (SE/FI)

Kåre bjørkøy Tenor
Kåre Bjørkøy er utdannet med master i nordisk filologi og musikkvitenskap, og i forskningsteori.
Han har studert sang og stemmefysiologi i Sverige, England og USA.Kåre Bjørkøy er nå professor emeritus ved Institutt for Musikk, Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU)i Trondheim. KB har vært tilknyttet denne institusjonen fra 1975, der han har undervist mange av de ledende norske klassiske sangerne i mer enn 40 år. I tillegg har han vært docent i klassisk sang ved det Kgl. Jyske Musikkonservatorium i en 3 års periode. Han har også gitt mesterklasser og sangkurs rundt om i Skandinavia i en årrekke. KB var med som lærer fra NSF startet i Strömsbruk og Hudiksvall de første 3 årene, og han er nå tilbake som pedagog i årets festival. Gjennom de siste 20 år har KB viet mye tid til egen forskning og formidling av internasjonal forskning om stemmefysiologi. Han har samarbeidet med flere framtredende forskere og i tillegg presentert egen forskning ved flere ledende internasjonale forsknings konferanser.
Kåre Bjørkøy debuterte som operasanger ved den Norske Opera i 1976, som Duca i “Rigoletto” av G. Verdi. Dette førte til at han ble ettertraktet i en serie hovedroller i operaproduksjoner på de fremste operahusene i Skandinavia og i Frankrike. Like aktiv har KB vært som solist i et allsidig repertoar sammen med ledende skandinaviske og britiske symfoniorkestre, og han har en rekke ganger vært solist ved de fremste musikkfestspillene i Norge. KB har spilt inn norsk og dansk musikk med London Symphony Orchestra, Royal Philh.Orchestra og Sjællands Symfoniorkester. KB gav i 1993 ut egen CD med nordiske romanser, “Dikt Som Synger”. KB er fortsatt aktiv som sangsolist.

Matti Borg
vocal coach & tonsättare
Matti Borg (b.1956) trained as a composer and singer at the Royal Danish Academy of Music. This was followed by additional studies in London and Sweden.
His compositions include vocal and choral works, music for orchestra, chamber music, theatrical music, musicals as well as educational music.
He frequently drives inspiration from the work of poets, writers and modern artists. Teaching is also an important part of his life, and he is much in demand by singers, actors and aspiring instrumentalists for his great knowledge and inspirational guidance.
Matti’s compositions display a remarkable scope of expression, content and form, and he is much receptive to other cultures, art forms and genres – including the Nordic folkmusic tradition which he brings fascinating to life in a modern, yet classical, free and yet respectful way (Nordic Trio. Nordic Folk Songs and Ballads. Arrangements & Compositions by Matti Borg. DACOCD 686). Among recent recordings: 5 poems by Prince Henrik of Denmark with Gitta-Maria Sjöberg & Polina Fradkina (“Passing Through”).
His works have been performed in The Nordic Countries, United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain, France, Cyprus, Russia, Japan, Canada and the USA.

Stig Fogh Andersen (DK)
Stig Fogh Andersen, Kgl. Kammarsångare och tenor, är utbildad vid Musik-Akademierna i Århus och Köpenhamn.
Tills nu har han regisserat Bent Lorentzen s kammaropera Kain och Abel och Wagners Tristan och Isolde på Det Kongelige Teater, Ragnarök i Den Ny Opera och musikalen Sweeney Todd på Odense Teater. Just nu förbereder han en förkortad version av Wagners Der Ring des Nibelungen till Copenhagen Operafestival augusti 2023.

Sunleif Leivsson Rasmussen
Composer of the year